
This is the Tilda studio blog where we post a little inspiration and wish you a creative day.

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We where so exited when The LemonTree Collection was chosen for Homespun’s 2018 BOM, and even more exited when we saw the result.
The quilt titled “My Butterfly Patch” has been designed by the extremely talented and creative Sarah and Rachel Roxburgh of Roxy Creations. This quilt is so gorgeous, thank you Sarah and Rachel for your amazing work!

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Homespun magazine will launch one block each month for 9 months and one further month for finishing (total of 10 months). The first block is released in the February issue today!
The magazine is available from shops and newsagents in Australia, or digitally through Zinio, the Apple Newstand or Google Play.


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Visit the Roxy Creations blog where you will find links to all of Rachel and Sarah’s social media.

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