
This is the Tilda studio blog where we post a little inspiration and wish you a creative day.

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Our Australian whole seller is organizing a fantastic Tilda Showcase during the Australian spring.
Oh… how we Norwegians envy the Australians this time of year while it is getting cold and dark outside.

Here is what they write:
“During September and October we will be showcasing the talents of Australian designers, handmaidens and stores who have been creating with the latest Tilda collections Cabbage Rose & Memory Lane.
Projects will be launched daily starting September 1st, via Instagram, Facebook and designers blogs.”

As we all know there are so many talented designers in Australia and though we envy their September spring what a great way to spend the autumn for the rest of us. A project a day for two months!

Here is the ShowcaseCalendar for September.

Follow Tilda in Australia on www.instagram.com/tilda_australia/

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